Dakota Ultrasonics MAX II Bolt Tension Monitor
Actualizado: 2024-01-18
The Dakota Ultrasonics MAX II Bolt Tension Monitor uses ultrasonic transit time technology to measure the elongation, load, stress and percent strainof a fastener under tension. The MAX II incorporates many of the features found on other bolt tension monitors from Dakota Ultrasonics with some added
benefits in terms of features, hardware, speed, and length.
Dakota Ultrasonics Mini-Max Bolt Tension Monitor
Actualizado: 2024-01-18
The Dakota Ultrasonics Mini-Max bolt tension monitor can ultrasonically measure the actual elongation produced by tightening a threaded fastener. This bolt tension monitor allows you to effectively monitor your bolts during periodic shutdowns over the service life of the fastener and visually compare the unloaded and loaded waveforms. The Mini-Max can measure bolts 1/2? up to 50 ft (15.24m). The square wave pulser is selectable in 100, 150 and 200 volts. It features a large 110 dB gain range and a resolution of ±0.000001 inch (0.00001 mm).